Webinář o Chile s rodilou mluvčí – celý webinář je ve španělštině. // Webinar about Chile with a native speaker – language of the webinar – SPANISH
DATE: 13.9.2024 TIME: 18:00 CET
A short introduction of the country followed by Maria’s original story of how and what she experienced from June to August this year in her native country.
She will give you tips on where and what to visit, where to eat and what to eat, etc.
If you’re travelling with children, this will also give you hints and tips.
Maria will help you from buying tickets to the entire travel plan – airports, transfers, etc. All the tips that won’t be in the webinar can be found in her ebook Chile 2024
Language of the webinar – Spanish /in case of problems with understanding she will translate into English/
If you don’t understand Spanish and English, the webinar is NOT for you.
Webinar duration approx. 60 min
Via Google Meet. The link will be sent to your email after payment.
ALL registrants will receive a short pdf file about the capital.